Winterstorm – A Festival of Classic Rock – by the sandy beaches of Troon, on the West Coast of Ayrshire
This is the first weekender of its kind here, the brainchild of local businessman Ian McCaig – Troon is more famous for it’s golf courses, marina and windsurfing than rock music, but it has in recent years grown it’s own annual music festival (we had a tent there one year!) and throughout the year the popular South Beach Sessions have been keeping music live in the town
The Winterstorm Team have managed to bring 14 top name rock bands to play in the Main Hall, over the 2 nights and 1 day event – these gigs are ticketed for the whole weekend or seperate days and are great value – check availibility here – and includes access to the activities in the rest of the Hall
Bailey and the Beast
We are delighted to be taking a mini Bailey roadtrip to exhibit at the event and the good news is that the Walker Hall cafe & display area, the Bailey stand and Open Mic Stage, PLUS the South Beach Sessions Acoustic Stage & Bar (run by Studio 5) are ALL FREE – open to the general public
As well as our guitar displays, film showings and demos Mark & Billy will be doing a GUITAR ER – free guitar doctor service…give your poorly axe a checkover… come and try one of our guitars …demo on the stage or playtest more privately – check out our page on the Winterstorm site AND our new friend Rachel of Mighty Beast is going to be there with her wonderful vegan guitar straps
Guitar Give Away
If that isn’t enough, we will be GIVING AWAY a white Curve Electric guitar, signed by the main stage acts ( in black) in our special Winterstorm Draw – tickets available with all Bailey purchases ( from £1) and it will be drawn on the stage after 10 on the Saturday night
Not meaty enough ?
If all that isn’t tasty enough for you, Brownings the Bakers…the folk that invented the Killie pie have created the “Winterstorm Pie “ making this event the first festie to have its own ! You can try a pie if you buy from the Winterstorm Rock Bakery & cafe
What time ?
Main stage: doors open 4pm Friday until 11, Saturday 12-11 (tickets needed – some still available)
Walker Hall: Free entry at all times – cafe, merchandise inc Mighty Beast, Bailey Guitars display and open stage (4-9 ish pm fri and 12-9ish on Sat) AND Acoustic Stage Bar: 8-1am fri, 2-1am Sat