… we’re still here !
We had hoped to have real good news before now, but we are still trying to buy our wonderful workshop.
Thanks to all the Indiegogo campaign supporters helping us smash our target, PLUS the musicians who donated a track to an awesome unique album… we have the best chance…and we are VERY close to the final stages.
We haven’t had a moment to be idle though, so here’s a round up of what’s been going on here at Bailey’s
Custom Builds and Workshop Courses
This year has been a super busy one for custom guitars – particularly acoustics – and the workshop is often full of the tantalising smells of a range of gorgeous timbers being cut, shaped and sanded. As the folk that commission these instruments will tell you, we don’t (and can’t) hurry things here – making individual unique instruments to a custom spec is something special and each one is given careful attention. It takes time… but we hope worth the wait … we met Roger for the first time when he came to take away the most recently finished custom Tenor Ukulele – here’s what he said
Bailey building happens around our monthly programme of workshop courses – 4 so far this year, with folk coming from all over the UK, again mainly to build acoustics, but we have had a few electrics and a bass. There are a few projects started by people who either couldnt make all the dates or who have jobs which make it difficult to take a week off… these will be finished over the coming months… Bill built his bass in 2 sessions – he wanted a spray finish
We have run workshop courses for 18 years, and they are as popular as ever – there are only 3 one week places left this year (in November!) so we are going to release dates for 2018 in the next couple of weeks…get in touch if you’re interested and have particular weeks in mind. What can be built on a 5 day course ? Roland knows..
Build at Home – with your own virtual Mark Bailey
We knew it would be possible for first time home builders if we could somehow give them the same instruction and support as they get in real world courses – but even we are both thrilled and amazed by the results our students are getting home alone. … Creating a step-by-step online course is really time consuming – both the filming and the editing – and thanks to our Access all Areas subscribers we are sharing the journey. It’s closer to it’s end now … one of these students is James Perry
“I completed the build your own electric guitar course last year and was amazed that just by following instructions I produced a very playable instrument of which I’m very proud. It was with great excitement when I heard that Mark was working on a similar course to teach folk to build an acoustic guitar in their shed, garage or kitchen table with only a few easily accessible tools. If I was blown away by the electric course then I’m over the moon with this one “
[full review and more ] He isn’t alone
Help is on-hand !
..and not just with tuition. The supplies shop provides a unique wood prep service for builders who lack bigger tools (or time), including “kits” of wood and parts ready to go to speed up that first build. We want to make it as easy as possible to start a project, and thanks to specialist companies like ToneTech, we are really helping the Guitar Building Revolution move along. Bill Quinn is Tonetech’s founder and is passionate about tools and helping both aspiring guitar makers and one-off builders get what they need. We are working with Bill to identify useful tools to suit all pockets – if you want to know just what basic kit you might need… Mark’s ebook “Essential Tools for GuitarMaking” has answers (and lists) – get in touch if you have any Q’s
If that’s not enough… Acoustic Bliss – The Late Show
We host, film and livestream an open mic event here in Ayr everyweek – and are blown away by the awesome music made by the folk that turn up to play. Technology has made it possible to share that music across the globe… the online audience is still small but the community that watch each week is growing – as far apart as the US and Australia. Apart from the diverse music of the Ayrshire scene, players are travelling to from further afield to get a feature spot, which we cut out into a live EP, and load in full to our YouTube Channel. The whole show is also archived each week on livestream.com
Finally…give a little bit…
We’re getting lots of requests from folk asking how they can give the greatest gift to one they love…
We recommend a design session – one to one with Mark here at the workshop (and a tour !) OR our smashing on-line course (the gift that keeps on giving)
You can gift a hands on BYO course, an online course, a custom build by Mark or any of our models…but you dont have to guess what s/he would like in advance. And paying by installments is something we can arrange !
Some good news soon
So…its been the longest day, and for us it’s also been the longest year…but fingers crossed there’ll be some real, good news soon
If you want to know more about anything contact us by email mark@baileyguitars.co.uk or leave a message on our 24hr office answerphone.
(you can also give FB a go but we check that less often )